Why Your Brand Needs Awesome Micro-Content Immediately

If “content is king”, then micro-content is the throne your brand sits upon. You see, content is what we in the marketing community think about a lot. Whether it’s for your social media, blogs, marketing materials, or for your website, we’re constantly trying to come up with new ways to help you appeal to your potential clients or buyers.
If you think about marketing and branding in social media terms, you’ll realize that your goal is to be in your potential client’s feeds as frequently as possible. You want to have a presence that is memorable and engaging, but not pushy.
That’s where micro-content comes in. With the way users combine social media and information they search for on the web, micro-content allows you to touch them at every step of their buying journey.
What is Micro-Content?
Micro-content is short content that can be skimmed or quickly read. It’s used across the web and in social media with the goal of keeping your brand in the minds of users and to help direct them to your website or app.
On your site, your content should switch to a longer form that can help address your user’s questions or needs.
Micro-content can come in the form of a short and sweet social post, an image, an info-graphic, an audio clip, or a video clip. The type of micro-content you create depends on which platform you’re focusing on. Text can be great for Twitter. Images and info-graphics are perfect for Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Video works for all platforms and we highly recommend you incorporate video to help you define your brand identity and marketing strategy.
How to create and use micro-content
Whether you’re creating micro-content yourself or you’ve hired an agency to help you grow your business, you’ll want to remember that the majority of users will see and engage with your brand from their mobile phone.
Types of micro-content
This is your reminder to keep it short and simple. When it comes to your business or your brand, you’ll want to make sure you don’t look bad, but don’t worry or overthink things so much that you miss out on an important or relevant moment.
If you’re on the bus or subway and you think of or see something that pertains to your brand or business, post it. A great image, a few words of text, and a link to a relevant website page are all you need.
If you’re walking into a presentation or a seminar, snap a quick selfie and let people know where you are, what you’re about to do, and where they can go to find more info. For example, here’s a quick shot of me drafting this blog for you:
I can quickly share that image to all of my social platforms as a quick announcement that I’ve published a new piece on Empire Creative’s blog with a link to the blog itself.
It’s that simple. It doesn’t require much thought or production. It’s just a high-value, inexpensive, and easily implemented form of content that users can digest quickly and click over to the blog if they’d like to read or want more information.
Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook are all great platforms for text micro-content. Keep in mind, if you really want your micro-content to be noticed, you should include an image, too. Users are scrolling quickly and they need something that catches the eye and encourages them to stop for 3-5 seconds to read what you’ve created.
Short Video
Video is the perfect branding content. Short video clips of fifteen seconds or less will automatically play when they appear in a user’s social media feed. If you’re able to get your message across in that succinct amount of time, you can use video to really highlight your personality and your brand in a way that will consistently capture your audience’s attention.
Using micro-content
With a strong brand and marketing strategy in place, you can pair your micro-content with long-form content to create an experience that is beneficial to your existing customers and to your potential customers.
When you’re creating and posting your micro-content, keep your brand in mind and, more importantly, have fun. Your clients want to know they’re involved with real people. Use your micro-content to show that you’re an authority on your subject and that you’re trustworthy.
You don’t always have to be sales-y or continuously ask for your client’s business. That can get annoying and cause them to start ignoring your content. Use micro-content to create conversation, engagement, and credibility. Let your website and landing page handle the “pitch” for you.
Follow Empire Creative Marketing on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook for more branding and marketing strategy tips. If you’d like to put your business at the forefront of your industry, contact us today for a brand assessment.
Empire Creative Marketing is a full-service branding agency located in Houston, Texas. Through strategic marketing on the web, video, and print, our team of dedicated professionals will ensure your brand success. For more information, visit our website today.
Why Your Brand Needs Awesome Micro-Content Immediately

If “content is king”, then micro-content is the throne your brand sits upon. You see, content is what we in the marketing community think about a lot. Whether it’s for your social media, blogs, marketing materials, or for your website, we’re constantly trying to come up with new ways to help you appeal to your potential clients or buyers.
If you think about marketing and branding in social media terms, you’ll realize that your goal is to be in your potential client’s feeds as frequently as possible. You want to have a presence that is memorable and engaging, but not pushy.
That’s where micro-content comes in. With the way users combine social media and information they search for on the web, micro-content allows you to touch them at every step of their buying journey.
What is Micro-Content?
Micro-content is short content that can be skimmed or quickly read. It’s used across the web and in social media with the goal of keeping your brand in the minds of users and to help direct them to your website or app.
On your site, your content should switch to a longer form that can help address your user’s questions or needs.
Micro-content can come in the form of a short and sweet social post, an image, an info-graphic, an audio clip, or a video clip. The type of micro-content you create depends on which platform you’re focusing on. Text can be great for Twitter. Images and info-graphics are perfect for Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Video works for all platforms and we highly recommend you incorporate video to help you define your brand identity and marketing strategy.
How to create and use micro-content
Whether you’re creating micro-content yourself or you’ve hired an agency to help you grow your business, you’ll want to remember that the majority of users will see and engage with your brand from their mobile phone.
Types of micro-content
This is your reminder to keep it short and simple. When it comes to your business or your brand, you’ll want to make sure you don’t look bad, but don’t worry or overthink things so much that you miss out on an important or relevant moment.
If you’re on the bus or subway and you think of or see something that pertains to your brand or business, post it. A great image, a few words of text, and a link to a relevant website page are all you need.
If you’re walking into a presentation or a seminar, snap a quick selfie and let people know where you are, what you’re about to do, and where they can go to find more info. For example, here’s a quick shot of me drafting this blog for you:
I can quickly share that image to all of my social platforms as a quick announcement that I’ve published a new piece on Empire Creative’s blog with a link to the blog itself.
It’s that simple. It doesn’t require much thought or production. It’s just a high-value, inexpensive, and easily implemented form of content that users can digest quickly and click over to the blog if they’d like to read or want more information.
Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook are all great platforms for text micro-content. Keep in mind, if you really want your micro-content to be noticed, you should include an image, too. Users are scrolling quickly and they need something that catches the eye and encourages them to stop for 3-5 seconds to read what you’ve created.
Short Video
Video is the perfect branding content. Short video clips of fifteen seconds or less will automatically play when they appear in a user’s social media feed. If you’re able to get your message across in that succinct amount of time, you can use video to really highlight your personality and your brand in a way that will consistently capture your audience’s attention.
Using micro-content
With a strong brand and marketing strategy in place, you can pair your micro-content with long-form content to create an experience that is beneficial to your existing customers and to your potential customers.
When you’re creating and posting your micro-content, keep your brand in mind and, more importantly, have fun. Your clients want to know they’re involved with real people. Use your micro-content to show that you’re an authority on your subject and that you’re trustworthy.
You don’t always have to be sales-y or continuously ask for your client’s business. That can get annoying and cause them to start ignoring your content. Use micro-content to create conversation, engagement, and credibility. Let your website and landing page handle the “pitch” for you.
Follow Empire Creative Marketing on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook for more branding and marketing strategy tips. If you’d like to put your business at the forefront of your industry, contact us today for a brand assessment.
Empire Creative Marketing is a full-service branding agency located in Houston, Texas. Through strategic marketing on the web, video, and print, our team of dedicated professionals will ensure your brand success. For more information, visit our website today.